Getting Free

If  you read this article get ready because I’m writting from Sweadan and rumor has it that Jewish people have been coming over here for the past couple of weeks from Denmark.  There are coming over by boats to be free.  These boats have secert places under them called hatches.  The hatch that leads to these secert places which usually are coverd by fish.  The Jews are coming over here to be safe and not sent to concentration camps to die.  The Nazis have taken over countrys and taken all the Jews out of them and killing them.  They have taken Jews from Denmark, Germany, France, Poland, and more to concentration camps.  Concentration camps are bad places because they have gas chambers and a lot more things to kill Jews.  So lets hope a lot of Jews come over here to be free and live until they die of dieses or old age.  Jews are showing up every hour.  Here some come now the fisherman is throwing dead fish in the ocean and here come the Jews.  Here come five more fisherman in their boats and they’re throwing dead fish in the ocean.  All the Jews are here I think and that is all for this articale.

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